Here's a glance of Affirmo Technology

Artificial Intelligence
Predictive AI, Deep-Learning, NLP, Video and Image Analytics, Generative AI.

Visualization and Dashboarding, Operational Intelligence, Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts, Discover Trends, Insights, Anomalies.

Big Data Management
Data Engineering, Data Management,
Data Warehouse, Data Lake, Search, Data Catalog, ETL.

Tracking Solutions
Solutions to track assets and people

Internet of Things (IoT)
Monitor & control remotely, IoT installation and integration, With a range of wireless technology.
Customized IoT hardware and software.

Sustainability Monitor & Optimize
Monitor real-time energy consumption Calculate carbon footprint sustainable reporting Predict & optimize sustainability

AI Preventive Maintenance
Monitor real-time critical equipment health condition AI Predict potential failure & remaining useful life Minimise downtime Optimize scheduling and inventory planning

Fleet Management
Know where vehicles, assets are Schedule and optimize fleet, & asset utilization
Contact Us
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6 Ubi Road 1 #05-01
Wintech Centre
Singapore 408726